First, I want to thank all who have read my blog posts and followed this Blogger blog.
My initial sense was that I had two efforts that required separate blogs. It seems at this point it makes the most sense to consolidate all of my Craft Beer Coach work over on my Wordpress blog now that I have a much clearer idea of what I want Craft Beer Coach to be about.
Over on the Wordpress blog I will add a Page that will still focus on covering the human spirit of craft beer events. Any events I attend and blog about will be posted on the Wordpress blog going forward. By the way, I will be at GABF in a few weeks!
The Craft You Interview Series already resides over there.
I have also started a new approach to reviewing beers, with a particular focus on providing new and casual craft beer drinkers more meaningful and quantifiable information in an easy-to-read, table format.
So, you will find all of the same great content, plus some new content over at-
Make sure you change bookmarks or re-subscribe over there.
Life learning and other musings for what ales you. Craft beer lovers living lager than life!
Life Learning and Other Musings for What Ales You. Craft Beer Lovers Living Lager than Life.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Life in East Beermany
I am a card carrying member and I follow NJCB quite closely on Twitter. They are always tweeting about the latest craft beer devotee to join their discount club or to have a cool event. A bar here, a pub there…a chain of stores that has finally awoken to the beast that is craft beer.
All usually a minimum of 30 minutes away!
I've got to tell you, the tweets are like hearing all the great shit going on in West Beermany, that is verboten for me! It's like I am just inside the Eastern side of the wall and I can hear the descriptions of floral notes, frothy heads, and full mouthfeel amongst the clanging of beer steins while dancing around a maypole. Such is my life in East Beermany.
Each tweet is like East Beermany just slipping further and further into the past.
Mind you, I am only 35 miles Northwest of New York City. Every now and then, I travel into West Beermany to frolick among the fermented fervor but I eventually must return to East Beermany...with all of the excitement of the children in Monty Python's Meaning of Life scene where they are donated to scientific experiment. Sing along- Every beer is sacred...
I tell my fellow citizens of the flavorful craft beer out there but they just stare at me like a dog that's heard an interesting sound. They seem resigned to color changing cans, punch top cans, and bottles with less glug.
What craft beer we do have is relegated to an aisle or a few taps at a macro-focused bar or restaurant. It's like there is government control over the variety of flavorful, hop and malt-based beverages allowed to be sold to the citizens of East Beermany.
So organize a "Craftlift via the Craftwaffe" or drop some over the wall and send me the location via carrier pidgeon.
Please send
Thursday, August 30, 2012
A New Hop Variety: Wrobel Hops
Well, not really a strain called Wrobel. Just a little word-play on "noble" hops.
But this is about the hops grown on Wrobel Farms in Bridgewater, NY, and a little history of those hops as shared by Jim and Susan Wrobel.
As Susan gave me permission to go beyond the CAUTION tape to get a few shots of the circa 1850s cobblestone hop kiln on the farm, she gave me a little history lesson on hop farming in the Central NY region.
Wood was brought into the bottom of the kiln and burned to provide the heat needed to dry the hops on the racks near the top of the kiln. When the hops were finished drying they would be walked across the bridge between the kiln and the barn to be processed further for market. The hop cones would either be loaded into long tube-like sacks to be taken to market to be pressed, or they would be pressed into burlap on site and then taken to market. As Susan explains, back then the hops were pressed into larger bricks.
At the time of the hop heyday in the region, the hop market was in Waterville, NY. According to Susan, Waterville (Madison County) holds a yearly hop festival and they also have a museum containing some of the original equipment used during New York state's run as the largest hop producer in the nation.
She believes the entire central NY region was "under hops" until about 1910. Then a disease outbreak wiped out the hop farms in NY and that is why the major hop producers are now in the Pacific Northwest state of Washington.
Editorial Comment: I am actually somewhat familiar with this part of hop history. I know that Downy Mildew had a role in the demise of Northeast hops back then. It is a disease that thrives under moist conditions, which are only exacerbated by our humid summers. The conditions out in Washington state are much cooler and dryer, which is why hops have done rather well out there. It can still be a problem for them out there though. But I believe with time, the hop varieties have been made more resistant to disease and pests so we are seeing hop farming making a comeback along the East Coast.
I wonder though if it would be better to grow hops on a mountain? Moisture tends to settle in the flat valleys. Just look at the picture I took Sunday morning of the valley behind my hotel in Cooperstown. I would love to go back to talk to Jim and Susan a bit more about hop farming. I am interested in doing my part (breweries still have trouble sourcing hops) to grow hops. I am working on a cousin-in-law that has acres of unused mountain-top land in PA. I only need one or two of those acres to get started!
I think the bottom line is that there is a growing desire of breweries to source local hops. Also, the influx of new craft breweries is putting quite a strain on hop availability. Multi-year contracts to secure the supply of hops is becoming the norm. The demand for local hop farms will continue to grow, and be desperately needed, in any region that can realistically support hop growth.
Back to the story. Farmers tried again in the '40s to bring back hops and it lasted a few years before all but being completely terminated. Susan explains that there was a brewery out of Brooklyn that bought most of the land, including what is now Wrobel Farms, and built a large industrial hop kiln "down the road." She explains that a local couple renovated the hop kiln into an event space and their son got married in it recently.
There is another phrase that Susan uses to describe the area during its hop heyday. It is "under wire" and when I ask her to explain what that means, she reminds me of the growing structures they construct for hop growth. I don't know, it just has a certain ring to it.
I tried to find any history of this particular large kiln but I did not find anything. I did however find this gem- I'm thinking road trip!
I think we forget that right here in our own backyard, key pieces of hop growing history remains to this day. With the resurgence of hop farming in NY state, the importance of these landmarks will be rekindled (no pun intended…but man am I kilning it!). This is where it all started in the history of hop farming in the US.
Susan goes into explaining a bit about the "wild hops" that have been found and cultivated over the years in and around the farm. Over the past 30 years or so, Susan's husband Jim would take in hop plants from the area, basically collecting them as a hobby, with the plan of doing something with them some day. Susan mentions participating in some "Neha" events in the early 90s but they felt they would just never have the time to pursue a serious effort of hop farming.
Being a "green" journalist I forget to ask Susan to define "Neha" but using my intrepid internet research skills, I find the answer. Northeast Hop Alliance.
Back under the big top, it's sometime after 4 PM and Jim Wrobel walks into the tent. I am picking a hop designated as "Heirloom P." He gets out attention to tell us a little about the hops some of us are picking at the moment. In 1926, his dad bought the farm to pursue potato farming. His dad was going to rip out all of the hop plants growing wild on the land. But instead, from 1926 until 1969 every time his dad found what looked to be a new variety he would dig it up and save it. In 1969, his dad got sick of them and gave them all to Jim to care for them. Jim gets a hearty laugh from the crew when he clarifies that his dad used some rather choice words about what he could do with the hop plants.
Jim has been maintaining these hops plants since 1969! He has had Cornell University come out to test the hops and take samples. Cornell University tried to cross-breed some and he thinks some of today's proprietary hop strains may have origins with his heirloom hops. Jim says he was not really worried about any proprietary concerns. He mentions a book called "Tinged with Gold" and how some of the work with his hops are mentioned in that book. I wonder if Amazon will give me a cut for providing the link? Hey! Non-income earning beer blogger and writer here.
How friggin' cool is that? So from American hop growing history, the Wrobel heirloom hops might be considered noble.
At one point Nick Matt (FX Matt / Saranac Brewery) came across an article about brewers growing their own hops again, passed it along to Fred Matt, who in turn sent the article to Jim.
In the words of the famous Paul Harvey, "Now you know the rest of the story."
Remember my post about a "Legal High?" Well when Jim mentions that hops are a cousin of marijuana a chorus of "ooohhhs" and "aaahhhs" echo through the big top. The crowd suddenly gets giddy and talkative. Someone cries out for a box of Entenmann's coffee-cake covered donuts! Well not really. But if you've ever given a listen to Mooney Suzuki's "Good Ol' Alcohol" you will understand the reference. Jim has to raise his voice to get their attention back. I told you. There is a perfectly acceptable way to achieve a "legal high." Follow these steps-
By the way, that segment of Jim's speech was prompted by a volunteer asking if the cows that were on the farm at the time ate the hops and wondering if the cows "ever came home?"
Jim ends with telling us that the wet hop beer made by Saranac with last year's hop harvest was probably the best he has ever had…"bar none."
If you feel inclined to search on "Good Ol' Alcohol", heads up that it contains MANY references to drug use, drinking alcohol, and is laced with profanity. To me, words are just words and to each his own. The old timey, jazz band sound of the tune is infectious, so you may find yourself tapping or humming along regardless of what you think of the lyrics.
But you have been forwarned!
But this is about the hops grown on Wrobel Farms in Bridgewater, NY, and a little history of those hops as shared by Jim and Susan Wrobel.
As Susan gave me permission to go beyond the CAUTION tape to get a few shots of the circa 1850s cobblestone hop kiln on the farm, she gave me a little history lesson on hop farming in the Central NY region.
Wood was brought into the bottom of the kiln and burned to provide the heat needed to dry the hops on the racks near the top of the kiln. When the hops were finished drying they would be walked across the bridge between the kiln and the barn to be processed further for market. The hop cones would either be loaded into long tube-like sacks to be taken to market to be pressed, or they would be pressed into burlap on site and then taken to market. As Susan explains, back then the hops were pressed into larger bricks.
At the time of the hop heyday in the region, the hop market was in Waterville, NY. According to Susan, Waterville (Madison County) holds a yearly hop festival and they also have a museum containing some of the original equipment used during New York state's run as the largest hop producer in the nation.
She believes the entire central NY region was "under hops" until about 1910. Then a disease outbreak wiped out the hop farms in NY and that is why the major hop producers are now in the Pacific Northwest state of Washington.
Editorial Comment: I am actually somewhat familiar with this part of hop history. I know that Downy Mildew had a role in the demise of Northeast hops back then. It is a disease that thrives under moist conditions, which are only exacerbated by our humid summers. The conditions out in Washington state are much cooler and dryer, which is why hops have done rather well out there. It can still be a problem for them out there though. But I believe with time, the hop varieties have been made more resistant to disease and pests so we are seeing hop farming making a comeback along the East Coast.
Fog in the Valley in Cooperstown |
I think the bottom line is that there is a growing desire of breweries to source local hops. Also, the influx of new craft breweries is putting quite a strain on hop availability. Multi-year contracts to secure the supply of hops is becoming the norm. The demand for local hop farms will continue to grow, and be desperately needed, in any region that can realistically support hop growth.
Pail Full of Willamette |
There is another phrase that Susan uses to describe the area during its hop heyday. It is "under wire" and when I ask her to explain what that means, she reminds me of the growing structures they construct for hop growth. I don't know, it just has a certain ring to it.
I tried to find any history of this particular large kiln but I did not find anything. I did however find this gem- I'm thinking road trip!
I think we forget that right here in our own backyard, key pieces of hop growing history remains to this day. With the resurgence of hop farming in NY state, the importance of these landmarks will be rekindled (no pun intended…but man am I kilning it!). This is where it all started in the history of hop farming in the US.
Susan goes into explaining a bit about the "wild hops" that have been found and cultivated over the years in and around the farm. Over the past 30 years or so, Susan's husband Jim would take in hop plants from the area, basically collecting them as a hobby, with the plan of doing something with them some day. Susan mentions participating in some "Neha" events in the early 90s but they felt they would just never have the time to pursue a serious effort of hop farming.
Being a "green" journalist I forget to ask Susan to define "Neha" but using my intrepid internet research skills, I find the answer. Northeast Hop Alliance.
Back under the big top, it's sometime after 4 PM and Jim Wrobel walks into the tent. I am picking a hop designated as "Heirloom P." He gets out attention to tell us a little about the hops some of us are picking at the moment. In 1926, his dad bought the farm to pursue potato farming. His dad was going to rip out all of the hop plants growing wild on the land. But instead, from 1926 until 1969 every time his dad found what looked to be a new variety he would dig it up and save it. In 1969, his dad got sick of them and gave them all to Jim to care for them. Jim gets a hearty laugh from the crew when he clarifies that his dad used some rather choice words about what he could do with the hop plants.
Jim has been maintaining these hops plants since 1969! He has had Cornell University come out to test the hops and take samples. Cornell University tried to cross-breed some and he thinks some of today's proprietary hop strains may have origins with his heirloom hops. Jim says he was not really worried about any proprietary concerns. He mentions a book called "Tinged with Gold" and how some of the work with his hops are mentioned in that book. I wonder if Amazon will give me a cut for providing the link? Hey! Non-income earning beer blogger and writer here.
"That's where we are now. You are picking hops from 1850."
How friggin' cool is that? So from American hop growing history, the Wrobel heirloom hops might be considered noble.
At one point Nick Matt (FX Matt / Saranac Brewery) came across an article about brewers growing their own hops again, passed it along to Fred Matt, who in turn sent the article to Jim.
In the words of the famous Paul Harvey, "Now you know the rest of the story."
Heirloom P Hops |
By the way, that segment of Jim's speech was prompted by a volunteer asking if the cows that were on the farm at the time ate the hops and wondering if the cows "ever came home?"
Jim ends with telling us that the wet hop beer made by Saranac with last year's hop harvest was probably the best he has ever had…"bar none."
If you feel inclined to search on "Good Ol' Alcohol", heads up that it contains MANY references to drug use, drinking alcohol, and is laced with profanity. To me, words are just words and to each his own. The old timey, jazz band sound of the tune is infectious, so you may find yourself tapping or humming along regardless of what you think of the lyrics.
But you have been forwarned!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Saranac Hop Harvest: A Legal High
A Hop Harvest Volunteer…in a hoppy T-shirt |
There is no need to promote those search results when a legal high is attainable. Here's how-
1. Attend a hop harvest
2. Pick hops (that releases the intoxicating aroma that soon fills the tent)
3. Have a beer or two while picking
4. Meet and talk to a bunch of like-minded beer fans
You become so elated that any worries you had in the days leading up to the harvest simply melt away.
Jen in Her Hop Bonnet Disclaimer: Jen did not pick these hops |
You don't wash your grimy hands before you leave because you want to drive all the way home smelling the hops.
You make a pit stop on the way home and walk into a public place. You giggle to yourself as the people stare and wonder. You still have "the high" plastered across your face in the form of a big goofy smile. To the unfamiliar, hops can smell a bit like their cousin.
Everyone you meet becomes a new friend.
As I tweeted on the way home, I now feel like I am on a higher plain with craft beer having had the hop harvest experience. It was transcendental. I was at the origin of crafting a great beer.
New designation- you cannot claim to be a true hop head until you have volunteered to pick hops.
Let's Meet a Hop and Brewing Buff
I take up residence next to Patrick. He's got a pail and I don't. I forgot to bring one. If you saw the "process" post, I brought everything I actually did not need but forgot the one thing that would've made me more helpful. Luckily Patrick is willing to have some help filling his pail. We are picking Willamette hops. For the record, I spelled it wrong in my tweets. I always see it in my mind as Williamette.
Hop Picker Print |
You can tell he is passionate about teaching those who love beer but don't know how it's made. He describes a bit about how people are fascinated by hops and he brought along a historical print about hop pickers to share with us. He made me a hop wreath which now hangs on my garage. No one has ever made me a hop wreath before. Man, did I ever pick a great person to start off my first ever hop harvest with!
I've Finally Met My Matts
Susan Matt talking with Rich Michaels |
As I begin to record why she is here, it becomes clear rather quickly. She is Susan Matt, Nick Matt's wife. Nick is Chairman and CEO of FX Mattt / Saranac Brewery. OK, perhaps she is allowed to be pail-less. While she is somewhat obligated to be here, she finds it fun and enjoys being involved with reviving New York state as a hop growing state.
Before leaving the barn, I speak to a husband and wife team of hop pickers also working the Cascade SD table. Ken and Debbie are from a suburb of Utica. Debbie immediately shares how involved the Matt family is with the community and that she loves coming out to return the favor as a volunteer. I mention how there seems to be a lot of craft beer involvement in local communities and Ken agrees saying, "There's a relationship between the consumers and the companies that is really pretty good."
Debbie asks me if I have ever been to the Saranac Brewery. Unfortunately I haven't. Ken and Debbie highly recommend a visit. This message, along with the message that the Matt family does so much to support the community, is echoed a few more times in conversations throughout the day.
Saranac H2 and Cascade SD Hops |
She's a bit amazed that she can even say that about FX Matt / Saranac in this day and age.
Fred Matt |
I am very pleased about the prospect of an FX Matt / Saranac-focused interview collection for my Craft You Interview Series. I cannot thank Susan Matt enough for the great conversation and making the introductions. Ladies and gentleman, we are about to find out a bit more about the passion and motivation behind the second oldest family owned brewery in America. Stay tuned.
A Wrobel History Lesson in Hops
Circa 1850s Hop Kiln on Wrobel Farms |
I think this information is worthy of providing a little more detail so I will create a separate post about the personal history Susan shared.
Link to the history of the Wrobels and hops.
Get Back to Picking
While enjoying an Oktoberfest and another hot dog, a couple joins me at the table. They too have that look of the legal high I spoke about up top. They are speaking very glowingly of the event and the community focus of the Matt family. They tell me about the Boilermaker Road Race and Saranac Thursdays, and how the Matt family does so much for the community and for charity. They also share how much they've learned today about the history of hops through the experience Wrobel Farms and FX Matt / Saranac provided today.
Note: Being a "participative journalist", and relatively green behind the ears at journalism-ing, I only managed to get the name of the husband, Gary. So if any readers know Gary and ? at the hop harvest I will update the post and thank you profusely.
Heirloom "P" Hops |
Steve and Gary are teaming up on one pail and 'Bert and I on the other. For the record, 'Bert and I are flying. We kept running out of hops to pick. And that's even after Gary demonstrated his "Hop Claw" approach to picking.
At one point we get hopknapped by Fred Matt. After we remind him that hops are not allowed to cross rows, we let it slide because Fred was there the whole time picking hops with the volunteers. Nick and Susan too while Rich and Jim Kuhr managed the weigh station. Honestly, how often do you see the "roll up my sleeves and jump in" attitude from company management?
I venture off to another table where they are picking some of the heirloom hops. Soon Jim Wrobel enters the tent to explain the history of the heirloom hops we are now picking. It's a pretty amazing story. I will add this detail to the history post I spoke of earlier and link it here when published.
'Bert in her Hop Bonnet |
Walking out to my car, I felt like I was walking on air. I recently had knee surgery but I don't feel an ounce of soreness after being on my feet for hours. I am a bit bummed to leave but I am bouyed by the knowledge that I will be back up to the brewery to interview the Saranac gang and to enjoy the beer that Saranac brews with the hops we picked that day.
On the ride home I was feeling so inspired I had to pull over a few times to record my thoughts about the day and how it raised me to a new level of appreciation for craft beer. I am still "buzzed."
Rich Michaels and Jim Kuhr Weigh In |
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Saranac Hop Harvest: The Process, The Pails, and The Picking
Why We Volunteer |
In this post I will blog about the process and in a follow-up post I will blog about the people and the experience I had. There is simply too much information for one post.
I should note that Saranac is doing its part to support the local agricultural community through a partnership with Wrobel Farms.
So Hoppy to be Here
Come on. You had to know some happy/hoppy wordplay would be involved. Well, I got it out of the way early.
With the scariest part out of the way, driving my car directly off the highway into an undulating field of grass, I round the trees to enter the field of play. If you decide to attend in the future, don't drive anything with a stock low clearance and definitely not dropped…but I don't know too many craft beer / hop fans that put the drop on their rides.
The Hop Field |
I would have to think some kind of powered lift had to be used to tie the twine to the cable at the beginning of the season.
Jim Cutting down Cascade |
It was inspiring to see so many bines full of hops.
Note about the telephone pole farm description: I don't know if this actually a thing but in Chester NJ there was a field supposedly owned by AT&T full of upright telephone poles. I believe they tested poles there? We called it a telephone pole farm but enough about that, let's get back to the hops.
Reporting for Duty
Boots on…check, hat…check, gloves…check, sunscreen…check. Turns out I did not really need any of that because Wrobel Farms had constructed a circus-sized tent in the middle of the field for the pickers.
After checking in I reported directly to Jim Wrobel, Chief Hop Picking Instructor (unofficial title) and co-owner of the farm. The other owner is his wife Susan, who is also providing support and instruction. As a married man on my own passion mission, I know full-well that much is not possible for a man to accomplish without a supportive and patient wife.
Pails and Pickers |
Jim was also adamant (for obvious reason) that the whole cone be picked, even to err on the side of throwing some leaf and stem into your pail if that is what it would take to make sure you got the whole cone. Some cones seemed harder than others to pick. Mt. Hood seemed to provide the most resistance.
An experience time-out here: Can I just tell you how intoxicating the hop aroma was under that tent? Incredible! I did not wash my hands before I left so I could enjoy the aroma all along my 4 hour ride home.
A Stretcher full of Cascade 69 |
By the way, I asked Nick Matt about the choice between manual picking and using a machine. He mentioned how great it was to use the manual picking as a way to bring the community together to share the experience.
It wasn't too long into picking that I felt the same way. More on that here- (post about the people and the experience)
Break Time
I grabbed an H2 and a dog then headed over to a barn where Susan Wrobel was starting a group off with picking some specialty hops.
Pickin' in the Barn
Brewer's Gold in the Barn |
Through disease and pest outbreaks, and a ban during Prohibition, the hops have survived and have been propagated down through the generations of farm owners. They call these their Heirloom varietal as they have not been able to determine exactly what hop variety they are.
To note, Wrobel Farms evidently grows some very in demand garlic that gets sold to some top restaurants in New York City.
All in all, the hop harvest ran like a well-oiled machine. Nicely laid out, well planned, and instructed.
The great thing is that we will get a chance to experience the fruits of our labor. Saranac will brew a beer with the hops and invite the Club Saranac pickers to a party to celebrate yet another successful harvest.
The End |
Friday, August 24, 2012
Craft You Interview with Jeremy Cowan
Just a quick heads up that it's posted.
I know Friday evening is not good for analytics but I could not sit on this one until Monday. I'm calling it a soft posting.
So if you are heading to the beach, the mountains, or just hanging around the house with nothing new to read, I think this interview will keep you entertained for a spell.
I think the title says it all.
Here's the link- Jeremy Cowan Arrives at His Bittersweet Sixteenth
Why Did the Craft Beer Coach Cross the Road?
I recently attended a Passion 4 Beer event at the New York City offices of Heineken USA. I want to thank Stephanie Jerzy (@StephanieJerzy on Twitter) for the invite and thanks to Heineken USA for hosting the event.
Now all of the craft beer peeps are probably wondering what a guy who calls himself the Craft Beer Coach is doing at a Heineken media event? Well, you've heard this from me before…about the importance of withholding judgment and assumption. If I had passed judgment on what I thought Heineken's message might be I would not have had what turned out to be a fun and educating (I'll get to this in a bit) experience. And isn't it all about having as much fun as possible?
And for the record, I have a less than favorable view of "corporate initiatives" after spending ten years in pharmaceuticals. But since getting certified as a life skills coach I am really working hard to suspend judgment. You simply don't know unless you try. There simply was no reason for me not to get the first-hand experience before figuring out what I thought about it. At least, large beer corporative initiatives will likely involve drinking beer.
I still think Heineken is a delicious and enjoyable beer. When a place only has macros on tap and it includes Heineken, Heineken will win that battle every time. I do try to avoid those places but sometimes it still happens…even in 2012! For the record, my favorite macro is Carlsberg.
So it really wasn't just for the free beer. I also went to get Heineken's perspective.
There is a bit of debate about this around Sam Adams and such lately. I remind him that officially part of it has to do with production volume, that it is craft if it is up to 6 million barrels per year. But I question the production limit stipulation. The definition of "craft" itself makes no determination of a production limit. It's any artistic skill, and it's often defined as especially being done by hand. That would make homebrewers the craftiest of craft beer.
Here is where my head is lately after recent debates about whether or not Sam Adams is still "craft?"
I would pose the thought that if a company does not compromise the quality of its product in the interest of cutting costs to increase profit, then what does a production limit have to do with it? Even that doesn't really fly with the definition of craft. Playing devil's advocate here- what if the company uses cheaper ingredients but does so by hand? Not likely to happen because manual labor is so expensive, but what if I used adjuncts in a brew and did it all by hand? By definition of "craft" am I more craft than a craft brewery that uses machinery?
The definition of craft alone really says nothing about what medium you use. It's all about how you do it. A craft person can use wood, paper, metal, etc…Is one craftier than the other if they are all handmade?
The Heineken Senior Director tells me that Heineken has the same recipe it's had since the beginning. I don't know this information so I would have to find proof of that.
Here is a link to the Brewers Association definition of a craft brewer.
Hey, I am open-minded and I want to know what you think? Share your thoughts below.
I want to focus on the step that stands out from how a beer is typically served. That is the skim. I was asked by Franck to step behind the bar to pour two beers- one as it would typically be served with foam to the rim and unskimmed; the other filling the glass until the foam begins to build past the rim and then quickly skimming off the top layer of foam.
Here are my observations.
1. The appearance- When the head is skimmed the resultant head is a much tighter and denser head. After the skim, the head sort of re-energizes to form almost a cap on the beer just above the rim. It is visually impressive. We were told that this preserves the beer better than a typical pour and I have to think that it does because the head is just so tight and dense. According to Franck, skimming removes any remaining oxygen pushed up into the head by the CO2 and it also removes the most bitter flavor of the hops.
2. The taste- In my experience the skimmed beer had a much more balanced taste and fuller mouthfeel. The unskimmed beer felt flatter and the taste had a bit more unpleasant bitterness.
What can I say? I am not selling my craft beer soul to Heineken. They will have to pry the 750 ml bottle of fine craft beer from my cold dead hands but as far as the Perfect Pour, the proof was in the pudding. A couple of other #beerbloggers attendees who attended the Heineken event say the taste difference was as noticeable as the Speigelau Glass tasting session at the recent conference.
What do you think about skimming a draft beer? Let's discuss below.
All in all, it was a fun and thought-provoking event.
Garrett Oliver recently said, "The purpose of beer is people."
If we are to get any purpose out of this post we need people to talk. Share your thoughts below.
Why Did the Craft Beer Coach Cross the Road?
To drink free beer silly.
And for the record, I have a less than favorable view of "corporate initiatives" after spending ten years in pharmaceuticals. But since getting certified as a life skills coach I am really working hard to suspend judgment. You simply don't know unless you try. There simply was no reason for me not to get the first-hand experience before figuring out what I thought about it. At least, large beer corporative initiatives will likely involve drinking beer.
I still think Heineken is a delicious and enjoyable beer. When a place only has macros on tap and it includes Heineken, Heineken will win that battle every time. I do try to avoid those places but sometimes it still happens…even in 2012! For the record, my favorite macro is Carlsberg.
So it really wasn't just for the free beer. I also went to get Heineken's perspective.
What is Craft?
I introduce myself to a gentleman who turns out to be the Senior Director, On Premise Development Americas (That is one corporate title!…just funny as I used to have titles something like this). Anyway I tell him that I have a craft beer blog and we proceed to have a brief discussion about, "What is craft beer?"There is a bit of debate about this around Sam Adams and such lately. I remind him that officially part of it has to do with production volume, that it is craft if it is up to 6 million barrels per year. But I question the production limit stipulation. The definition of "craft" itself makes no determination of a production limit. It's any artistic skill, and it's often defined as especially being done by hand. That would make homebrewers the craftiest of craft beer.
Here is where my head is lately after recent debates about whether or not Sam Adams is still "craft?"
I would pose the thought that if a company does not compromise the quality of its product in the interest of cutting costs to increase profit, then what does a production limit have to do with it? Even that doesn't really fly with the definition of craft. Playing devil's advocate here- what if the company uses cheaper ingredients but does so by hand? Not likely to happen because manual labor is so expensive, but what if I used adjuncts in a brew and did it all by hand? By definition of "craft" am I more craft than a craft brewery that uses machinery?
The definition of craft alone really says nothing about what medium you use. It's all about how you do it. A craft person can use wood, paper, metal, etc…Is one craftier than the other if they are all handmade?
The Heineken Senior Director tells me that Heineken has the same recipe it's had since the beginning. I don't know this information so I would have to find proof of that.
Here is a link to the Brewers Association definition of a craft brewer.
Hey, I am open-minded and I want to know what you think? Share your thoughts below.
The Perfect Pour
Heineken has Franck Evers traveling the world to show people how to perform The Perfect Pour. It is a five step process that you can view and read about here.I want to focus on the step that stands out from how a beer is typically served. That is the skim. I was asked by Franck to step behind the bar to pour two beers- one as it would typically be served with foam to the rim and unskimmed; the other filling the glass until the foam begins to build past the rim and then quickly skimming off the top layer of foam.
Here are my observations.
1. The appearance- When the head is skimmed the resultant head is a much tighter and denser head. After the skim, the head sort of re-energizes to form almost a cap on the beer just above the rim. It is visually impressive. We were told that this preserves the beer better than a typical pour and I have to think that it does because the head is just so tight and dense. According to Franck, skimming removes any remaining oxygen pushed up into the head by the CO2 and it also removes the most bitter flavor of the hops.
2. The taste- In my experience the skimmed beer had a much more balanced taste and fuller mouthfeel. The unskimmed beer felt flatter and the taste had a bit more unpleasant bitterness.
What can I say? I am not selling my craft beer soul to Heineken. They will have to pry the 750 ml bottle of fine craft beer from my cold dead hands but as far as the Perfect Pour, the proof was in the pudding. A couple of other #beerbloggers attendees who attended the Heineken event say the taste difference was as noticeable as the Speigelau Glass tasting session at the recent conference.
What do you think about skimming a draft beer? Let's discuss below.
Garrett Oliver recently said, "The purpose of beer is people."
If we are to get any purpose out of this post we need people to talk. Share your thoughts below.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Coney Island Brewing Company Hosts an NYCBG Event
Sunday, August 12th was the first event hosted by the New York City Brewers Guild (NYCBG) since the NYCBG Founder's bash back on May 22nd at the Brooklyn Brewery. So I headed over to Coney Island, Brooklyn to the world's smallest commercial production brewery, Coney Island Brewing Company (CIBC). This was my first event since the knee surgery setback. It was good to get back up on the craft beer event horse.
The brewery is literally right next to the Coney Island Circus Sideshow at W. 12th St and Surf Ave. They are not kidding when they say they are the smallest. The space is perhaps 10 ft deep and 15-20 ft long. There are 2 counters, one for serving samples and the other for brewing the one gallon batches.
There is a small commercial cooler in the corner for beach-goer off-sales. All beer looks to be served from bottles for tastings, or poured to slake your thirst as you head to the beach or a nip before heading back to the subway.
Morgan and the 1 gallon brewery |
The brewer's name is Morgan and he was working on the 1 gallon brew for the day. I introduce myself and ask him what the style du jour is today. It sounds intriguing….a Celery Saison! I love saisons! I observe for a bit as he dumps in some whole leaf Saaz hops.
To note, there were about a half a dozen, gallon jug brews in various stages of fermentation on the countertop.
I just realized I forgot to ask if and how I could try the Celery Saison when it is ready. Fortunately I get a second chance to secure a tasting next weekend when the Brooklyn Brewsers go to CIBC as guest brewers.
It seems Sara has to often field inquiries about whether they carry any Bud/Miller/Coors beers. More than 1 person came in looking for a macro beer to satisfy a last minute beer on the beach craving.
Note to Coney Island beach-goers: If you see the word beer or brewery on your way up W. 12th St. to the beach and get a sudden craving for a brew-ski, you cannot dip into Coney Island Brewing Company for a last minute 6-pack 'o macro. They only purvey their own line of freakishly crafty brews.
I was 2 or 3 samples into the tasting when Jeremy Cowan, Shmaltz Brewing Company and CIBC founder and owner, had arrived. Jeremy is also a published author with his book, "Craft Beer Bar Mitzvah: How It Took 13 Years, Extreme Jewish Brewing, and Circus Sideshow Freaks to Make Shmaltz Brewing an International Success." I was very glad to get another chance to talk to him as I approached Jeremy back at the NYCBG Founder's Bash about sitting for a Craft You interview. He's a very busy man but he is interested in doing the interview so be patient as I try to get him to pin down a date in the near future.
Sara and Jeremy |
The Reunion Ale '12 goes on the drink again list as it also features a prominent maltiness that finishes somewhat dessert-like with the chocolate, vanilla, and a hint of cinnamon.
Reunion Ale '12 benefits the Institute for Myeloma and Bone Cancer Research.
Finally, owners are great because they know people. Jeremy entices us with a complimentary entry into the Freakshow next door.
The performers literally perform "freakish" feats that push the envelope of what the body should typically be able to handle. I mean really, hanging a bowling ball from your earlobes with carabiners and swinging it around! And we got to meet the current Human Blockhead…although he looked to be in his 20's so it is unlikely he was the barrel-aged version. He really "nailed" his performance. How's that for some Coney Island schtick?
Some of the Coney Island brews are inspired by the performers next door at the Coney Island Circus Sideshow.
As every Coney Island trip should begin or end, it is a prerequisite to get a dog or two at the original Nathan's Famous hotdog stand. Internationally, Nathan's is known for their July 4th hotdog eating contest.
My particular tradition is to order a Killian's Irish Red with my dogs. It's about as "craft" as they serve and you know what, it has always been quite tasty and satisfying on the warm summer days I have spent at Coney Island. Even the experienced craft beer palates of my Brooklyn Brewsers friends found it quaffable.
I look forward to returning to Coney Island next week for Brooklyn Brewsers guest brew, more CIBC samples (please!), and a Nathan's dog or two washed down with a Killian's.
8-20-12 Update: The interview date is nailed down and is in the "very near" future. I did not make it to the collaboration homebrew yesterday so there will be no post about that event. I had homework to do for that interview that is in the "very near" future. Keep an eye on my tweets for the interview post!
One other thing- I did confirm that I will get to taste the Celery Saison (second time brewed so it must be a keeper!) at an upcoming CIBC event and the Brooklyn Brewser / Coney Island Brewing Company collaboration brews (one confirmed to be a smoked Saison) at an upcoming Beer Street event. I most certainly will be posting about these events.
barrel aged human blockhead,
Brooklyn brewery,
brooklyn brewsers,
coney island brewing company,
jeremy cowan,
mermaid pilsner,
new york city brewers guild,
reunion ale '12,
terrapin beer company
3008 W 12th St, Brooklyn, NY 11224, USA
Thursday, August 9, 2012
My First Bryggeriet Djævlebryg Experience
I could not wait to meet the guys behind Bryggeriet Djævlebryg at The Festival US to share with them my unique first experience with one of their beers.
I introduced myself to Per Olaf and began to tell him the story. I also proposed to Per Olaf that he participate in my Craft You interview series, which can be read here-
The Story
I used to work for a Danish pharmaceutical company so I traveled often to Copenhagen for a time. Being a craft beer and import beer fan I knew to research good bars and restaurants for great beer before embarking upon that first trip.
I discovered a place called Den Tatoverede Enke (The Tattooed Widow). It is a Belgian themed beer restaurant and pub that quickly became my "go-to" place on every trip. Strangely enough I have never made it upstairs to the restaurant portion but I hear good things about the incorporation of beer into all of the menu items. I loved the intimacy of the pub and being able to talk to the bartenders about beer and scotch. We had an ongoing debate on the merits of Highland malt as opposed to Islay malt. They seem to prefer Islay. I like Highland.
One night I took up residence in my usual corner of the bar on a slow weekday evening. A chef emerges from the kitchen behind the bar with a tray of what look to be dark chocolate candy. He proceeds to walk amongst the pub patrons, offering a sample.
I receive one and that first bite just blew me away! What a deep and savory smoky, caramely, toffee-like center in the chocolate! I anxiously summon the bartender over to ask him what I am enjoying. He points to one of the gleaming taps as if to indicate this decadent morsel has something to do with a beer that is on tap.
The center of the chocolate in fact was a reduction of Bryggeriet Djævlebryg's Nekron Stout. As I savored every last bit of that treat I ordered a glass of the beer. Up until that time, it was the most impressive beer I had experienced and the only beer I have posted a review of on
So my first experience with Bryggeriet Djævlebryg was a dark chocolate covered toffee made from Nekron Stout.
I introduced myself to Per Olaf and began to tell him the story. I also proposed to Per Olaf that he participate in my Craft You interview series, which can be read here-
The Story
I used to work for a Danish pharmaceutical company so I traveled often to Copenhagen for a time. Being a craft beer and import beer fan I knew to research good bars and restaurants for great beer before embarking upon that first trip.
I discovered a place called Den Tatoverede Enke (The Tattooed Widow). It is a Belgian themed beer restaurant and pub that quickly became my "go-to" place on every trip. Strangely enough I have never made it upstairs to the restaurant portion but I hear good things about the incorporation of beer into all of the menu items. I loved the intimacy of the pub and being able to talk to the bartenders about beer and scotch. We had an ongoing debate on the merits of Highland malt as opposed to Islay malt. They seem to prefer Islay. I like Highland.
One night I took up residence in my usual corner of the bar on a slow weekday evening. A chef emerges from the kitchen behind the bar with a tray of what look to be dark chocolate candy. He proceeds to walk amongst the pub patrons, offering a sample.
I receive one and that first bite just blew me away! What a deep and savory smoky, caramely, toffee-like center in the chocolate! I anxiously summon the bartender over to ask him what I am enjoying. He points to one of the gleaming taps as if to indicate this decadent morsel has something to do with a beer that is on tap.
The center of the chocolate in fact was a reduction of Bryggeriet Djævlebryg's Nekron Stout. As I savored every last bit of that treat I ordered a glass of the beer. Up until that time, it was the most impressive beer I had experienced and the only beer I have posted a review of on
So my first experience with Bryggeriet Djævlebryg was a dark chocolate covered toffee made from Nekron Stout.
New Interview Posted
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Per Olaf (left) |
A devilishly good interview with Per Olaf Huusfeldt of Bryggeriet Djævlebryg.
Check it out on my Craft You blog-
Leave a comment to let me know what you think of the interview question approach.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Life Lesson Confirmed
Today was my first followup with a Pulmonologist following
the development of blood clots after relatively minor surgery to remove a
partially torn meniscus in my left knee.
I received some sobering news from the doctor.
He gave me the full rundown of what transpired. In less than
3 days, at least 9 small clots formed in my left calf. Six of them had lodged
in various areas of both lungs.
Here’s the scary part. Until today, I had forgotten that
blood returning from the nether-regions of the body actually has to pass
through the right side of your heart before going to the lungs. That’s right, six
clots passed through my heart first! Sooo incredibly lucky they were small
enough to pass through without causing damage…or worse.
Six shots (clots) at the heart and I somehow survived. Perhaps I am some kind of cool cat with nine lives? Luckily the last three stayed in the calf.
The good news is that I am well into the blood thinner
regimen so all of the clots should dissolve over the next few months and life should be able to return to its previous programming.
There is a lesson in all of this.
If you are…let’s say…"less than pleased" with your current
career path or quality of life, I was just like you for the past few years. For
many reasons I hated my career. But I would keep telling myself that I had time
to “do my own thing.” I was young and in good health.
That career was never really a good fit for my skills and
traits…but it was a well-paying job.
I was always thinking about what it was that I really wanted
to spend my days doing for work but fear would hold me back. Fear would help me
create countless excuses for “not now.” I moved from company to company hoping
it would somehow miraculously feel better.
I have since taken the first big leap but fear still
holds me back at times.
Even somewhat acknowledging the fact that I did not know how much time I had to pursue my intrinsic passions was not enough to push through the fear.
I put it off and put it off some more. Years slipped by seemingly in the blink of an eye. I finally decided to take the leap at the end of
2011, years after those initial thoughts crept up to tell me I was not in the
right place career-wise. I am now pursuing a couple of intrinsic passions, even
combining the two biggest passions into one combined effort as Craft Beer Coach. I have yet to make
a dime but I feel incredibly fulfilled! Finally!
But it was almost too late for me. I seriously might not
have been sitting right here right now typing this post. Just months into pursuing those passions, it
all came very close to be snuffed out completely at the young age of 45.
How old was Adam Yauch when he passed away? Fortunately for him he seemed to be fully tapping into his passion from a young age.
It felt like a great accomplishment just getting up the
courage to give up the security to hit the career reset button and take back
control of whom I am. I honestly thought to myself that I could go in peace (if something were to happen) now
knowing that I finally did something about it. But what a shame it would’ve
been to not have the chance to build what I am building to help others who feel
The lesson is- if you are not happy with your career or
quality of life right now, even an ounce of doubt, start to do something about it. Now!
That ounce will grow to become a gallon.
How much time do you have to plan it out and put it into action?
If you don’t know what it is you really want to do with your
life, how much more time will it take for you to figure that out before planning and implementation? Do you have
that time?
You can’t answer these questions. You can make assumptions
but assumptions are just a thought mechanism for avoidance and a false sense of
security. Often, assumptions turn out to be mistaken.
There is no test to check how your body will react to a
minor surgery.
There is no fail-safe test to predict if your own body will turn
against you someday.
There is no way you can prevent every knucklehead from possibly
cutting your time short.
Hell, your own most innocent, force-of-habit action might
end your chances at pursuing your passions.
So morbid right? Sorry but so much is beyond your control. This is a call to action.
Here comes the cliché. Life is too short and too precious to
waste it away.
Life could become too short at any given moment to justify
wasting away your passions and talents in some condition that makes you feel
The truth is you can’t control how much time you have to
make your passion a reality… can control when and how you begin to make
your passion a reality. Just taking that first significant step can bring a lot
of inner peace.
Forget about wasting mental energy forming assumptions and take control of the fear by using that mental energy on what you know is the truth for yourself.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Interview with Rich Buceta of Singlecut Beersmiths
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Rich Buceta Working Hard |
Rich is opening a 30 bbl brewery in Astoria Queens this fall.
Check it out here-
I am a certified Life Skills Coach capturing the essence and energy of the people behind the craft beer movement, If you know of a brewery that you would like to know more of their personal story send me an email at
Monday, July 16, 2012
"The Purpose of Beer is People"
That seems to be the takeaway quote from Garrett Oliver's keynote speech last night at the Beer Bloggers Conference in Indianapolis. I would estimate it was tweeted by dozens of bloggers in attendance. It really seemed to hit home for quite a few folks.
I wholeheartedly share that sentiment. Craft brewers in almost all cases, seem to be putting the people before profits. It's rare to find that in any industry. Craft brewers are answering the call of a growing set of people who are looking for more from a beer. They seem to truly be putting the customer first.
And then there are the industry considerations. In an industry with large conglomerates having a near strangle-hold on business, craft beer is actually changing the industry and gaining ground. It's a true David vs. Goliath story. The large conglomerates are actually having to flex a bit to cope with the changes brought on by the craft beer industry. It has put an end to one of my strongest pet peeves about work- the excuse that is "that's the way we've always done it."
The other industry consideration is that in the worst economic downturn in decades craft beer is a growth industry that is putting a good amount of people to work.
But there is more to craft beer than what people want to drink and what it is doing for the larger beer industry. Step back and look at what craft beer is accomplishing.
It's simple enough. The systems we all grow up within in large part tell you to put aside your dreams. Why do you think it is always such an attention getter when a young star rises to the surface of our social conscience? So few of us buck the system to make our dreams a reality.
Craft beer is full of dreamers. The only ones who can start a dream are the people behind the industry. What do you dream of accomplishing for yourself or your industry?
Now obviously it's rather easy to be passionate about a delicious beverage that makes you feel good. But it is not so easy to decide to go hundreds of thousands to possibly millions of dollars in debt to pursue a dream…a dream based upon the product before the profit. A dream that will require a significant amount of personal self sacrifice by those who choose to pursue it. More and more people everyday are tapping that passion and sacrificing nearly everything for it. This is what you are willing to do when you are acting on a passion.
It's the pursuit of a passion that is creating success for so many of them. Here's why. When you are pursuing something rooted in passion, when the rough patches hit all that is left to pull you through is passion. Sure, sometimes it can be luck or a conditional reward that buys you some time but lessons learned through passion will teach you more about yourself for the long haul.
Too many people are wasting our professional careers not feeling passionate about what we are doing for the majority of the day. Craft beer can be the muse for finding your passion.
When you are basing decisions upon intrinsic motivations (motivation from within…not money or grades) you are feeding yourself. Even the slightest attainment of intrinsic motivation provides fuel to keep going. You are more likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If all of your reward is based upon conditional motivation (external…money…grades…awards) and you don't achieve it, it pretty much takes all of the wind out of your sails. You adopt a perspective of blame. It is much harder to bounce back.
I think we see a lot of intrinsic motivation in craft beer. I think many brewers are using craft beer to express who they are as a person. The reward for them is delivering that very personal product to the marketplace, regardless of what the market thinks about it. Obviously, they do care about satisfying the taste preferences for a majority but brewers are definitely tapping into some intrinsic motivations.
People need to find their intrinsic motivators for more meaningful and longer lasting fulfillment. What do you value most in experiences? Craft beer can be your muse.
But here's the other great thing. There is nearly a total lack of judgment about what the fellow craft brewer is doing to his or her beer. It seems all experimentation with additives and one-off creations of styles is welcomed as a interesting challenge and a chance to expand the realm of craft beer.
There are even what would seem to be rival no-gos that are ignored in the interest of collaboration. These collaborations seem almost like a cause completely based in furthering craft beer as a common movement...individual business and interests be damned.
If there is one thought process that does more damage to fair and equal treatment of your fellow man or woman, it is judgment. If an industry can do it, then individuals can drop their guard, ignore labels, and maintain an open mind toward the interest of collective progress. Stop making assumptions.
Garrett Oliver is right. A large profit-driven industry can prioritize being about the people within it and the customers it serves.
As a life skills coach with a passion for craft beer I have seen how craft beer can be the muse for leading people to more satisfying and fulfilled lives. Not only is it a model for what other industries could aspire to become but what craft beer is doing can be extrapolated down to stories and guidance about a more ideal human condition for individuals.
That human condition requires a dream, some passion, intrinsic motivation, a lack of judgmental thinking, and a heaping serving of self sacrifice to bring it all home.
Follow along as I capture some of the human spirit behind craft beer through life skills-based interviews with craft beer personalities.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Officially Certified as a Life Skills Coach
Just a quick note that this week I became an officially certified life skills coach through a program built upon the standards set by International Coaching Federation (ICF).
I am now taking what I learned in the Academic Life Coaching program and using it to begin to create my own program which uses the essence and the energy of the human spirit behind craft beer as the muse.
I will continue to do craft beer "lifestyle" pieces on the events I attend at but the main focus now becomes my wordpress site,, that will flesh out my thinking behind craft beer as a muse for self improvement and fulfillment.
I look forward to this unique journey and I hope that you will follow along.
I am now taking what I learned in the Academic Life Coaching program and using it to begin to create my own program which uses the essence and the energy of the human spirit behind craft beer as the muse.
I will continue to do craft beer "lifestyle" pieces on the events I attend at but the main focus now becomes my wordpress site,, that will flesh out my thinking behind craft beer as a muse for self improvement and fulfillment.
I look forward to this unique journey and I hope that you will follow along.
Worcester Sauced? The Pregame.
Not that I really care about "tying one on" anymore...because I really don't. It honestly is about the taste for craft beer. I wish I could get 4-6 oz. bottles for home so that I could just sample brews. But it's inevitable given this event this weekend- Over 70 world-renowned brewers bringing the most unique collection of 300 beers we may ever see.
So, it's inevitable that I start feeling like I am at least a couple of sheets to the wind at some point. This will by my first multi-session beer fest so I am a bit nervous about surviving it.
The festival has consumed my thoughts. So much so that last night I woke up with a DUI- dreaming under the influence. Symptoms include nervous anticipation, racing thoughts, excitement, and restlessness.
That's when the post title came to me.
Earlier last night I had tweeted about preparing for the fermented onslaught. I did some research to come up with a hangover prevention plan. I bought the weekend pass and I want to make sure I wake up Sunday feeling like going one more round before retreating back to my hotel room until Monday morning.
Here's the plan-
Saturday morning drive up-
- oatmeal, OJ, yogurt, and brewer's yeast before leaving
- sip water along the way
- will try to avoid coffee but may have to have a small one as I am setting out by 7 AM
- an egg sandwich or 2 just before the fast food joints shut down breakfast ops
Saturday Sessions 1 and 2 and Sunday Session
- have a shelf stable milkbox right before I enter (I read that milk slows alcohol absorption)
- backpack will contain water and saltines that I will snack on and drink during the session
- for each sample I will fill my glass with an equal drink of water...maybe 2?
- eat a carb heavy treat from one of the food trucks
Between Sessions
- likely find some fast food for the heavy, coating effect (plus, it's what I will be craving at that point)
- perhaps a brewer's yeast and vitamin C booster
Before Bed
- a final fatty / cargo food
- brewer's yeast and Vitamin C booster
- tylenol (just in case)
- a sports drink
Sunday Morning
- egg sandwich or 2
- rinse and repeat
So, how do you prep for a multi-session beer fest? Any suggestions? Comment below.
So Did It Work? (7-13-12 update)
All I can say is that it seemed to work for me. At the very least, going into a multi-session beer fest with some plan of staving off debilitating headaches, nausea, and general malaise is always a good idea.
See a special note in my review of The Festival US, Session 3- The Pregame. Did it Work?
So, it's inevitable that I start feeling like I am at least a couple of sheets to the wind at some point. This will by my first multi-session beer fest so I am a bit nervous about surviving it.
The festival has consumed my thoughts. So much so that last night I woke up with a DUI- dreaming under the influence. Symptoms include nervous anticipation, racing thoughts, excitement, and restlessness.
That's when the post title came to me.
Earlier last night I had tweeted about preparing for the fermented onslaught. I did some research to come up with a hangover prevention plan. I bought the weekend pass and I want to make sure I wake up Sunday feeling like going one more round before retreating back to my hotel room until Monday morning.
Here's the plan-
Saturday morning drive up-
- oatmeal, OJ, yogurt, and brewer's yeast before leaving
- sip water along the way
- will try to avoid coffee but may have to have a small one as I am setting out by 7 AM
- an egg sandwich or 2 just before the fast food joints shut down breakfast ops
Saturday Sessions 1 and 2 and Sunday Session
- have a shelf stable milkbox right before I enter (I read that milk slows alcohol absorption)
- backpack will contain water and saltines that I will snack on and drink during the session
- for each sample I will fill my glass with an equal drink of water...maybe 2?
- eat a carb heavy treat from one of the food trucks
Between Sessions
- likely find some fast food for the heavy, coating effect (plus, it's what I will be craving at that point)
- perhaps a brewer's yeast and vitamin C booster
Before Bed
- a final fatty / cargo food
- brewer's yeast and Vitamin C booster
- tylenol (just in case)
- a sports drink
Sunday Morning
- egg sandwich or 2
- rinse and repeat
So, how do you prep for a multi-session beer fest? Any suggestions? Comment below.
So Did It Work? (7-13-12 update)
All I can say is that it seemed to work for me. At the very least, going into a multi-session beer fest with some plan of staving off debilitating headaches, nausea, and general malaise is always a good idea.
See a special note in my review of The Festival US, Session 3- The Pregame. Did it Work?
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